Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tesla: Life and Times of an Electric Messiah

Author: Nigel Cawthorne
Stars: 4
Review by: jamBob

With lots of photos this book will dispel any remaining notions you may harbor that Edison was the electric genius. Not so. This simple, but enigmatic man born in Croatia in 1856 patented over 700 inventions for generators, radio, robots, and fluorescent lights. Unfortunately he was not a good businessman and was taken advantage of by Edison himself and Westinghouse. While Edison invented by brute force Tesla seemed to live and breath electricity. His mind constantly picturing machines, turbines and wonderful creations that worked by invisible energy. Once a handsome man by later years he appears like a thin, pale sickly caricature of himself. Too many disappointments, dreams dashed, swindles and too many volts shot through his body.

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