Wednesday, July 1, 2015

More Badder Grammar!

Author: Sharon Eliza Nichols
Stars: 1
Review by: MandyApgar

I am giving this a one only because A. I cannot go lower, and B. it took a measure of guts to print something this bitter. Presented by the author of "I judge you when you use poor grammar," the latter title pretty much says it all. I cannot bloody stand it when people mess up plural and possessive form, but this is in an entirely different league. 117 pages of captioned photographs, it consists mostly of snarky, endless harping on apostrophes. We get it. People forget that. So shut up and move to something funny. Tragicomic spellings would have made for funny, and less repetitive content instead of that and the whole "it's / its" controversy. But it would not end! And the implied ineptitude of the people involved gets a bit much, especially when they might have been hurried or simply might not have been taught better. When one makes fun of the parents of Girl Scouts for their sign advertising a "blode" drive you get no credence from me for anything.

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