Friday, July 28, 2017

Paradigms on Pilgrimage

Author: Stephen J Godfrey & Christopher R Smith
Stars: 3
Review by:
An account of how both authors, raised as evangelicals, came to reconcile fundamentalist beliefs with the concept of evolution and and old Earth. They were both respectful and sincere, which is needed today (good Lord, is it ever, but so is a smack upside the head for some) but at the same time were very methodical as 'x led to y and that is how I thought z.' A continual point made, with evidence shown, was how many anti-evolutionary thinkers decry things such as carbon dating and the like yet turn around and use it for their own purposes if the tests simply suit them. But it was still handled well. Did say though that Biblically the Earth is supposed to be flat though, which is an exaggeration, but elsewise they were quite good.

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