Saturday, July 29, 2017

Dog Gone

Author: Pauls Toutonghi
Stars: 5
Review by: MApgar

The author's in-laws' late family dog Gonker had a kidney disorder requiring medication at regular intervals to keep him alive. One day Gonker disappeared and his brother-in-law Fielding was left devastated and with a grim deadline. Unbeknownst to the family, Fielding himself was going through a health crisis himself as well, and it was only Gonker that had kept him going for some time. The mother, Virginia, was abused hideously by her 'mother' and used that as inspiration to not let her children down. And she didn't. Knitting a circle of calls, faxes, emails, and other methods together, and praise to Caesar's generals, the family found Gonker. He has now crossed the rainbow bridge but is still a memorable part of the family - with more pictures of him then either Fielding or Peyton!

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