Thursday, September 8, 2016

Crooked House

Author: Agatha Christie
Stars: 5
Review by: Mandy Apgar

When Charles, a well connected 30 something, meets Sophia Leonides, he proposes that if they are unattached at a future time they should marry. When the time comes Sophia suddenly turns him down, citing trouble within her family - the crooked house, so to speak, of Leonides and Associated Catering (the business that made them their fortune). Sophia's wealthy grandfather Aristide is found dead - poisoned, and Scotland Yard begins an investigation that turns up several more threads than they expected. Charles, being the son of a top official, hangs around the family as a sort of spy in the guise of Sophia's fiance. While there he gains a view he almost wished he never saw into the life of his soon to be in laws.

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