Friday, August 19, 2016

Mary Tudor: The White Queen

Author: Walter C. Richardson
Stars: 4
Review by: Mandy Apgar

No, not that Mary. She was the psychotic queen. But her mindset wasn't her fault. Anyhoo, this is about her aunt Mary, the youngest sister of Henry VIII. Although the exact time of her birth is somewhat debated, what is known is that Mary was doted upon as a child. Loved by her brothers, parents, and sister Margaret, she inherited her mother's face and her father's sometimes fiery Tudor temper. When she was 17-19 ish she was married to the King of France, old enough to be her grandfather, and although the King worshiped his new wife her opinion of him was rather more muted. Banking that he'd keel over in a matter of weeks (which did happen) she got her brother to promise that her second husband would be one of her own choosing. When the time came it was Charles Brandon, a friend of Henry's and member of his extended cortege. He was furious when his sister stood up to him and insisted he keep his word, and was still angry when she and Brandon married in secret. It appears to have been a happy marriage however, ending with Mary's death in her late thirties.

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