Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just Jennifer

Novel Interiors by Lisa Borgnes Giramonti, Photographs by Ivan Terestchenko (Potter Style)

Designer Lisa Borgnes Giramonti has found and restaged rooms that are reminiscent of over sixty novels and invites readers to take inspiration from her groupings: British Cozy Cottage Charm (Dickens, Austen and Gaskell), more structured, formal rooms (Wharton and James), a more casual, outdoorsy approach (Willa Cather), glitzy and glamorous (who else but Fitzgerald), bold and a bit chaotic (Dinesen or Katherine Mansfield) or dramatic (Wilde and Proust) or following her examples, find your own styke from your favorite author or novel.  Lavishly illustrated and heavily peppered with literary quotes, the “how-to” text may appear a little sparse unless you’ve first read the foreword that explains these rooms and photos are meant to be starting points rather than step-by-step instructions to help you design the room of your dreams and comfort.  Each chapter begins with a few brief sentences to set the tone and concludes with “Finishing Touches” such as embroidered door hangings and brass samovars in “Anything Goes”.  “Living au Natural” includes a section on how to plant a medicinal potted garden and a list of glamorous cordials is included in “Oh, the Glamour of It All”. 
A chapter after the rooms lists the authors, their novels and what specifically about each inspired Giramonti.  A thorough Source appendix gives readers ideas where to find furnishings and accessories of the periods, though not the specific items found in the photographs.  Location credits are listed alphabetically by the residents’ last names and are mostly found in California, though one location can be found in nearby Bernardsville, though it is up to the reader to determine which one it is.  The most frustrating part of this well-indexed book of inspiration is all the interesting and enticing shelves of books shot too far away too allow most of the spines to be readable.   A book that you will be able to turn to time and time again for either inspiration or just entertainment.   
FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review.

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