Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Excellent 11: Qualities Teachers and Parents Use to Motivate, Inspire, and Educate Children

Author: Ron Clark
Stars: 2
Review by: Saraswati

This is another text book I had to read for my class.  Ron Clark is "that teacher."  He transformed an inner NYC to movie quality.  This is one of his books.  It reads like a typical motivational/inspirational book.  I almost got a feeling I was reading "Chicken Soup for the Tired Teacher."  I did pick up a few new ideas to use in my classroom next year so I guess it was worth it but most of already know the basics.  It worked for him, his situation and he is banking on it.  There are so many more teachers doing something so similar but just doesn't happen.  I plan to use this book as a reminder of what can be if things aren't working out but I also know I am not Ron Clark.  If anyone else has read this book, tell me what you think!

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