Thursday, July 10, 2014

Shield of Winter (Psy/Changelings)

Author: Nalini Singh
Stars: 3.5
Review by: Saraswati

I always find this series difficult to read at first since you have to remind yourself of all the different races being taken into account, who is still at war and who are now allies, but once that is straight it was a nice read.  This book is about an Arrow, an ex-Psy Assasin, that is now free to be a protector instead of a killer.  His assignment is to protect one of the Empaths, that were once marked for destruction.  The back story is that of trying to rebuild a nation of people (The Psy) after a major collapse and an illness taking out the survivors.  Only a strange relationship between the Arrows and the Empaths seems to be the cure.   Love, loss and all the standard trimmings.  This book feels like the end of the original series.  Hopefully a new series will emerge like the new nation that is forming in the series.

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