Saturday, July 12, 2014


Author: Frank Miller & Lynn Varley
Stars: 1
Review by: Mandy Apgar

I really wanted to like this, but with the exception of the Dark Knight series have never been a big Frank Miller fan. About the battle between 300 outnumbered Spartan soldiers at Thermopylae against the Persian army, there is plenty for him to have gone into. But his art is unusually blocky here, and the figures look static and posed. Writing is not his best at all either, or even very good. Stilted would describe it. And while not a historical stickler for these things following the battle itself more so would have been interesting than all the asides he took - and how bloody often did he have to say "Sparta?" OK, so it's one side of the fight, but it's awfully irritating at times. Inspired the film of the same name and I have no idea how they got one from the other as they're fairly different and this was just overly dull, inartistic, and uninspired. Not that the movie was good, but still.

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