Wednesday, August 28, 2013

VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health...for Good

Author: Mark Bittman
Stars: 3
Review by: L.Z.

I waited a while to receive this book (many holds before me in the line!) and had high expectations for it.  It was okay. Mark Bittman has an entertaining writing style, even in describing nutrition and research. That being said, as someone who has been dabbling in vegan-ism for the past few years, I did not find much new information or many impressive recipes in this book. For someone who has done any research in plant based nutrition, or has even limited experience cooking/eating this way, you're not going to find much in this book. If this is a new concept for you, then this is probably a great book for you! Lots of explanation of the "why" and plenty of practical ideas to get you started on your way to better life and healthier eating.

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