Wednesday, June 6, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird

Author: Harper Lee
Stars: 5
Review by: Bookworm237

There's a reason this book is a classic. Set in 1930's Alabama, it's the story of a young girl nicknamed Scout and her transformation from innocent childhood to the harsh and cruel world that adults live in. Scout is fortunate to have her father, Atticus, guiding her through this time with his heartfelt and deep life lessons. The story is about racism and the prejudices that adults tolerate, and how we create a world that innocent children are subjected to and cannot understand. Atticus is ahead of his time in the 30's, and backs up his words when he defends an African-American man on trial for his life when a white girl and her father accuse him of rape. The book's title becomes extremely meaningful and clear in the last few chapters of the story, when parts 1 and 2 come together full circle. We could all stand to take a lesson from Atticus. It's such an amazing book. I cannot recommend it enough.

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