Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dinner at Mr. Jefferson's

Author: Charles A. Cerami
Stars: 4.5
Review by: JamBob
Destination: US at the beginning

 It is a wonderful experience to read American history like it was a big exciting story. This compact book explains in readable prose how our country became a nation when we started with little of nothing but had forefathers with big dreams, high ideals and the will to see them become the American experiment.  We think we have problems with debt today (and we do), but when Washington became President the key question was will the new country pay its war debt? Will each state pay its share or will the Federal government take the debt upon itself? Hamilton was a financial wizard who was not only a brilliant Secy of treasury but established the Coast Guard and National Bank. He fought for the Federal Assumption Plan while Jefferson and Madison opposed him vehemently. 

Jefferson decided on a compromise...he and Madison would support the Assumption plan if Hamilton would support their desire for the placement of the new Capital on the Potomac River (DC). An elegant dinner was held at Montecello with just these 3 men and history was made with repercussions that reverberate to this day. You will enjoy reading this book, marvel at the men who formed our Nation and enjoy perhaps some of the recipes that are included.....should you have an apetite for learning how our country was forged!

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