Thursday, August 11, 2011

Plum Lovin'

Author: Janet Evanovich
Stars: 4
Review by: Mary NK
Destination: Trenton, NJ

Stephanie Plum is the queen of sheer zaniness. In this Between the Numbers short novel, she is forced to team up with the gorgeous but spooky Diesel to capture her only bailbond skipper, Annie, who refuses to be found until all her clients are assured a happy Valentine's Day. Stephanie finagles dates for a shy butcher, a 40-year old virgin, and a mom with a house full of kids and animals. Diesel's special "Unmentionable" powers don't stop Annie from being kidnapped by a local mob boss; nor do they prevent one of Annie's unhappy clients, another "Unmentionable", from making everyone in his immediate vicinity break out in hives. Meanwhile, Annie's last client, Stephanie's sister's boyfriend, needs the forces of Lulu, Connie and Grandma Mazer to get up enough nerve to get married.

1 comment:

saraswati said...

As someone else said, JE is like an old friend. You read it because you know but you don't know. Go through the series, at least you'll laugh!