Author: Donna Leon
Stars: 4
Review by: Transit Story Reader
I enjoyed this mystery book about a murder that takes place at the La Fenice, the Opera House, in Venice. Author Donna Leon has a way of creating very strong visual images with broad strokes describing this charming city of mystery and art. She also allows the underbelly of the city to be seen as well thereby creating a balance of what the visitor to Venice sees and what the residents of the city experience. Maestro Helmut Wellauer has been murdered and at the scene of the crime we meet Guido Brunetti, Vice-Commissario of police. Leon takes us on a tour of this city as Brunetti meets with the many characters in the story. As he travels from one area of the city to another on his search for clues, the reader is given the opportunity to experience Venice with its many canals and passages weaving us into the history of the city and its people. It was a pleasure to read and left me with a great desire to visit Venice and walk the streets that Commissario Brunetti walks daily as he solves the many crimes of his beautiful city.
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